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Mac Clean Up Reverse Order File : Useful Links


You can do this using AppleScript: tell application "Finder" activate set theFolder to insertion location set theWindow to container window of ...


Click the column name again to reverse the sort order. Group items: In any view, click the Group button, then choose an option, such as Date ...


Is there any way to REVERSE this order, from New > Old, to be from Old > New? That the Oldest, almost-never-opened files stay put in the upper right


Having it sorted in descending order is a bit of a bother. And I've been looking this up too and can't seem to find anyone else having the same ...


How to customize your folders to get the perfect view of all your files, just how you like


I don't want the folder divided up into different days, weeks, etc.; I just want the files arranged firstly by kind and then sorted by date created within ...

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