A clipped waveform looks like the peaks have been 'clipped' off, as shown in the picture lower left.
While working on files in Reaper the volume is fine, although the master volume is
the output volume to a level high enough to eliminate background noise, but not high enough to cause clipping.
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When the level meters light red to indicate clipping, lower the project volume until ... You can also show the master track, and adjust the overall project volume ...
is a check-box located next to it with the setting, “Export Projects at Full- Volume.”
goes over 0dB (in order to prevent your bounce from clipping), but you can also set it
Clipping your Audio can hurt your music and Projects.
It's weird because the little 'output' volume meter (bottom right of the project) will show it
But then, when I load the rendered output files I see clipping, by as much as