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Rip Audio Track From Video File : Useful Links


Choose an output format that supports your audio format. See comparison of container formats. Extract a specific audio track / stream. Example to ...


Reedip wrote in with his guide to using VLC to extract the audio from any video file and convert it to MP3 format. He writes: VLC is not just a Media ...


Wait until the file is converted; then click "Download". This concludes the process: the file has been saved on your computer. In case you need to cut the track, you ...


I have some MPEG-4 music video files and all I want to do is lift the soundtrack from them and burn that music to CD. What's the secret?


avidemux can do this. It is inside Ubuntu Software Center or you can install it from the command line with: sudo apt-get install avidemux.


Sometimes you might only need the audio clip in a video file. These 5 ways will extract the audio from any video file, including MP4, AVI, FLV, ...


You'll notice that clips with both audio and video appear as two tracks, but ...

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