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Strip Audio Tracks From Ts File : Useful Links


Use TSMuxerGUI, open your TS file, highlight the tracks you don't want, hit Remove, then save a new version of the file. Test it, make sure you are ...


I know I can just copy video ( -c:v copy -an ) and specific audio track from container into two separated files and then join them. But is there an ...


ts/.m2ts file in a different format that .mpa - but NO program allows you to do that! and .mpa gets desynced with the video anyway! so ...


You remove audio by using the -an flag. input_file=example.mkv output_file= example-nosound.mkv ffmpeg -i $input_file -c copy -an $output_file. Full ffmpeg ...


Here's how to copy just the audio track (assuming it's in mp3 format):. ffmpeg -i ...


avidemux can do this. It is inside Ubuntu Software Center or you can install it from the command line with: sudo apt-get install avidemux.


You may want to extract a single audio file with the content of all of Title 3, or you may want a separate audio output file


The main feature is lossless trimming and cutting of video and audio files, which ... TS to MP4); Remove audio tracks from a file; Extract music track from a video ...

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