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Magento Order Status List : Useful Links


All orders have an order status that is associated with a stage in the order processing workflow. The status of each order is shown in the Status ...


Your Orders Page displays the list of all of the orders placed in the store. You can sort them by status in the right column (to the left of “Action”). If ...


Although the order status label still appears in the list, it is no longer assigned to a state. Order status settings cannot be deleted.


Order Status in Magento 2 · Default Order Statuses in Magento 2 To check the list of predefined order statuses, go to Stores - Order Status. · How to Create a New ...


There are many statuses in the OMS. The below information enumerates available statuses and reason codes. Order. Status Code, Status Name ...


Just use this simple line of code: Mage::getModel('sales/order_status')-> getResourceCollection()->getData();. For example: var_dump( ...


Use Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Status\Collection class to get status collection protected $statusCollection; public function __construct( .


What is the difference between Magento order status and order state? · go to the Admin Panel>System>Order Statuses; · click the 'Create New Status' button; · fill in ...


Then click “Save Status Assignment“. magento order state and status. How to change order status? Go to Sales > Orders to view a list of your ...

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