the mission in the absence of additional guidance, orders, or communication.
Example Mission Statement “On order, 1" Squad will destroy the enemy observation post located ...
MISSION. A concise statement that includes the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of the operation to be ...
TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES. 1. Given an operations order or a mission and considering the situation, unit capabilities, and time ...
Mission. 1 st. Platoon will conduct an attack in AO Brandt on OBJ IronMan in vicinity BG75813268 NLT.
i. 1st platoon mission is to 1st platoon destroys SAPA resupply team NLT. (S+80) vic ASR SEATTLE in order to prevent SAPA ...
Prepare a Platoon / Squad operations order. Learning Objectives. References. • FM 7-8 Chapter 2. •FM 7-10 Chapter 2 & G. •FM 71 ...
Enabling Learning Objectives. TBS-C2-1001a Given a mission from higher, conduct tactical planning for a warning order to determine the likely type of operation ...
Mission Statement (Paragraph 2 of battalion OPORD). Intent Statement ( Paragraph 3 of battalion OPORD). Concept of the Operation (Para 3a of Battalion ...
portion of the mission statement or the execution paragraph of the higher commander's operation plan (OPLAN) or opera- tion order (OPORD).