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Order Of Omega Mission Statement : Useful Links


Order of Omega is a honor society for members of Greek organizations recognizing juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards of leadership.


Mission Statement. Order of Omega seeks to recognize students who have attained a high standard of leadership in intergreek community. We encourage and ...


PRIMARY STATEMENTS. WHEREAS, The Order of Omega serves to recognize outstanding leadership in fraternity and sorority community on college and ...


The Order of Omega is an undergraduate Greek society recognizing "fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in ...


Mission Statement. The members of the Order of Omega Honor Society strive to uphold leadership, excellence in academics, and strong relations within the Greek ...


Mission. Order of Omega honors Greek Leaders who go above and beyond what is required of them in the areas of Scholarship and ...


The Order of Omega is a national honor society with the purpose to recognize those students who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-Greek ...


Mission Statement. Order of Omega at Miami University is a leadership honor society that strives to recognize outstanding members of the Greek community who ...


Mission Statement: The Mission of the 2020-2021 Order of Omega Executive Board of the Beta Upsilon Chapter is to bring together leaders from diverse ...


The Order of Omega is a leadership honor society. Members are chosen from Greek-letter, social organizations in order to recognize those students who have  ...

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