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Durable Goods Orders M M : Useful Links


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Overall orders for durable goods, items ranging from toasters to aircraft that are meant to last three years or more, rose 0.2% in August after ...


New orders for manufactured durable goods in December increased $0.4 billion or 0.2 percent to $245.3 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau ...


Orders for durable goods lasting at least three years surged 11.2% in July largely because of strong consumer demand for new cars and trucks, ...


Durable Goods Orders Excluding Defense in the United States increased 0.50 percent month-over-month in December of 2020. Durable Goods Orders Ex ...


Core durable goods orders refers to new orders for U.S. core durable goods, which are the total durable goods orders excluding transportation ...


Graph and download economic data for Manufacturers' New Orders: Durable Goods (DGORDER) from Feb 1992 to Dec 2020 about new orders, orders, ...


The Core Durable Goods Orders publication is closely watched by the Fed and has a significant impact on markets. The Market Impact Tool ...


Core Durable Goods Orders measures the change in the total value of new orders for long lasting manufactured goods, excluding transportation items. Because ...


Get the Durable Goods Orders (MoM) results in real time as they're announced and see the immediate global market impact.

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