Later, when the Order fights Trigak, Belkar get's the final blow as they attempt to retreat,
Haley Starshine: A 24-year-old red-haired chaotic good human rogue. Greedy and obsessed with treasure, Haley is the second-in-command of the team. Belkar ...
Belkar demonstrates another use for his lead sheet.
Both Elan and Haley need to be around a lot of people—him so he can
Belkar's Protection from Evil erupts, jolting Belkar awake.
This is the sixth thread in my Order of the Stick collection, which will feature a
As Haley and Belkar get a handle on Tsukiko and Black Squadron, Belkar has
OOTS Quotes #1, #2, #3, and #4 > Belkar: "Solve a man's problems with violence ... "Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to ...
Belkar: I was only going to suggest we cut the old man's throat.
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