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Reduce Swelling In Feet After Delivery : Useful Links


2. Elevate your feet. To reduce swelling in the legs and improve circulation, spend some time with the legs elevated above the level of the heart.


Sit down - Avoid standing for a long time and make sure to rest. Don't cross your legs while sitting; this reduces circulation. Elevate your legs ...


You might want to relieve any discomfort if your legs, ankles, or feet resemble those of the Pillsbury Doughboy. In this case, you can use a pillow ...


Swelling usually subsides a few weeks after giving birth.


Got cankles? How to reduce leg swelling after childbirth. Swollen ankles 27. April 30, 2019. Swelling in legs, ankles, and feet is very common during pregnancy, ...


Is it normal for my hands and feet to remain swollen after delivery? Yes.


How to Reduce Swelling During Pregnancy. Here are my 9 ...

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