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Track Elon Musk Tesla Space : Useful Links


The Tesla travelogue has the car's location, as of Wednesday afternoon (Feb. 21) , at about 2.8 million miles (4.5 million kilometers, or 0.030 ...


A website called Where Is Roadster is tracking Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster in space. · The site, not affiliated with SpaceX, estimates that the car is ...


Current location of Elon Musk's cherry red Tesla Roadster and Starman launched by SpaceX on the Falcon Heavy maiden flight.


Elon Musk's SpaceX-launched Tesla Roadster has exceeded its mileage warranty 550 times over. Follow its space adventures with the site ...


Last week, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk launched his now-famous red Tesla Roadster into space, aboard the first Falcon Heavy rocket. If you want ...


The Heavy's payload was Musk's personal Tesla roadster, a $100,000 luxury car made by one of Musk's other companies. Six hours after launch, ...


The mannequin was named after the David Bowie song "Starman", and the car's sound system was set before launch to continuously ...


Earlier this month, SpaceX successfully launched its massive rocket Falcon Heavy into space with a very special payload. SpaceX CEO, Elon ...


Elon Musk's red Tesla Roadster that was launched into space by


spaceX CEO elon musk launched starman on board a tesla roadster inside the nose of the falcon heavy rocket. now you can track him on his ...

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