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Can They Tie My Tubes After Delivery : Useful Links


If you do not want to get pregnant again, you can choose to have a tubal ligation ... Your doctor will band, burn (cauterize), tie and cut, clip, or remove your fallopian tubes. After this, an egg can't move down your tubes and can't be fertilized.


You'll get medicine to help with pain, and you can usually go home the same day. ... The doctor cuts or blocks your fallopian tubes through a cut in your skin on your ... pregnancy right away, but you should wait until you feel ready after healing ...


"Tubal" refers to your fallopian tubes, and "ligation" means to tie off.


Tubal ligation is also known as "getting your tubes tided," tubectomy or tubal


You can have a sterilization procedure (commonly called a “tubal ligation” or “ having your tubes tied”) performed after a vaginal or Cesarean delivery.


Can I have my tubes tied right after delivery? Yes, you can have it done during a c- ...


Unrelated to pregnancy. A tubal ligation can be performed at just about any time, not only after you've given birth. In this case, it is also done ...

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