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Getting My Tubes Tied After Delivery : Useful Links


"Tubal" refers to your fallopian tubes, and "ligation" means to tie off.


During tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to


Tubal ligation is also known as "getting your tubes tided," tubectomy or tubal


It's often done right after childbirth. You get local anesthesia and your doctor makes a small cut near your belly button. The doctor brings your fallopian tubes up ...


Some women refer to it as having their tubes tied. Your doctor will band, burn ( cauterize), tie and cut, clip, or remove your fallopian tubes. After this, an egg can't  ...


4) You can elect to have postpartum sterilization “I got my tubes tied when I had my C-section done for my second kid,” mother of two Nancy Lu ...


Can I have my tubes tied right after delivery? Yes, you can have it done during a c- ...

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