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Getting Your Tubes Tied Right After Delivery : Useful Links


Only about one in 200 women get pregnant after a tubal ligation.


Tubal ligation is also known as "getting your tubes tided," tubectomy or tubal


It's often done right after childbirth. You get local anesthesia and your doctor makes a small cut near your belly button. The doctor brings your fallopian tubes up ...


If you have a caesarean birth, it can be done right after the birth, as part of the same surgery.


Can I have my tubes tied right after delivery? Yes, you can have it done during ...


Tubal sterilization 4 weeks or more after your delivery. Permanent sterilization may be the right option for you if: • You have decided that you do not want to get ...


Any positive pregnancy test found following tubal ligation requires immediate medical attention. What To Expect After Surgery. Tubal ligation ...


Tubal sterilization (tubal ligation) is a surgical method of birth control for women. ... prevents a woman from getting pregnant by closing off her fallopian tubes.


Unrelated to pregnancy. A tubal ligation can be performed at just about any time, not only after you've given birth. In this case, it is also done ...

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