You will need to know the coupon code to apply to the order.
Transactional emails are a key piece of your order fulfillment process. They update your
So while it's not required, we highly recommend it for the best
@update 2: New orders are most of the time in 'on-hold' status, but not in ' Processing' . In this case, use this instead: add_action( ...
and use the code "Back4More" to receive a 20% discount on ...
WooCommerce allows users to send customized order emails and alter the
will be emailed only for the selected order status as either completed or processed.
WooCommerce 3.2 Adds Ability to Apply Coupons in the Admin, Introduces
How to Use the WordPress Theme Preview
Order must exist. add_payment_token() : bool|int: Add a payment token to an