" woocommerce"); // Loop through WC_Order Objects foreach
... payment reminder email if an order is still pending payment two days after the order has been placed. You can encourage customers who cancelled the order, ...
Well, I'm writing today because of that. A client of mine gave me this problem: I want to cancel my pending orders (awaiting payment) after 4 days.
The following order statuses are used:
WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order allows you to add a small option that will take
Here's a fix for Woocommerce unpaid order cancelled, time limit reached when the order status changes from from pending payment to cancelled in Wordpress.
[This thread is closed.] I am facing issue with pending payment orders. Even after 2 or 3 days, their status is not changing to cancelled. I have set…
Easily access and manage the “Pending order” and “Cancelled
You can set the Hold stock (minutes) property to 15 minutes and this will cause any Pending orders to be cancelled after 15 minutes and release the stock. You ...
If seen some code where people hook the pending order cancelation time-out but it seems like that wouldn't be the case. Any ideias? Share. Share a link to this ...