I am working with Woocommerce and I am about to make the order confirmation email. It want the mail to say: "Hi [customers name]". How do you ...
Or maybe the order ID, customer ID, billing info, payment method, total refunds and so on…
Having tried $customer = new WC_Customer(); and global $woocommerce; $ customer = $woocommerce->customer; I was still getting empty address data even ...
When editing the WooCommerce order page it can be difficult to add a custom data. Now you can easily display the customer order details in ...
Failed, pending, and canceled orders which get cleaned up will be moved to the ...
Therefore, in order to find the customer details for a particular order, we first need to look at the order and make the link between the order and ...
You will notice that some variables are common to all email types, and can handle all of the general information, such as store name, customer email, order ...
How to get customer username and email from woocommerce order object or order id. Maybe you want
[This thread is closed.] Is there any way to get payer first_name and last_name from paypal and save as meta data in the woocommerce order? I need…
By default WooCommerce order page shows limited information about the Orders in the admin panel. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to display customer ...