2 Answers · Thanks. how get customer_id field with top fields? · You'll need to query the Order itself which will include the customer_id for each ...
I want to run a query in the Wordpress/Woocommerce database and fetch from an individual order, all details, including the variations of a ...
code to get order line items from your SQL query in an html table.
Where are stored information about ordered products which I can match to particular order retrieved using query above? I have tried to use data ...
When you begin a bulk export or export items from the Orders or Users lists, a modal will
Zapier saves the order to a SQL Server table
Here's an example post on exporting orders using a SQL query. However, you'll need SQL access on your server (not always available ...
of that plugin told me: “The data for Local Pickup Plus is stored as Order Item meta.
As memberships are posts, you can easily query membership with get_posts() , and can leverage
Just tested this on an db that has shop_wp_ as prefix, and changed all the wp_ to shop_wp_ and got " MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query ...