You can use this solution - orders/. It worked for me! /** * @snippet Edit Order Functionality ...
I have to be able to allow an order to be canceled, prior to shipment.
Snippet (PHP): Allow Customers to Edit Orders @ WooCommerce My Account Page. The first thing we need is to show the “Edit Order” button ...
Do your customers feel confident when they buy from your WooCommerce store? Do they know your customer support is as good as the ...
Update: This comment has another way to edit a paid for order and invoice the balance that will likely work better, especially for customers paying by credit card.
This is not suggested for use with sites that have customers pay for orders immediately, but instead for sites that have post-pay or an invoicing ...
This is because the customer still needs to pay for that order, so it makes sense to accept changes for it. To update the purchased items with variations, you can ...
Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout – This ...
WooCommerce has different order statuses that you can use to
and customer name to see the Single Order page, where you can also Edit order ... customer before they pay, selecting this option will show a modal that allows ...