If the customer is assigned to the order, they will be asked to log in before paying:.
— updated 2 — (corrected some typo errors in the code). Here is a PHP custom function that will do the job, using a for loop to iterate in your order number range ...
When you enter to the Order in Woocommerce you have an input with list that
The admin can see what was ordered (under woocommerce->orders) but not by whom, and the user can't see his orders at all. I've uploaded the ...
Custom code copied and paste into your child theme's functions.php or custom plugin file. Example 1: Pass user id you want to assign order using ...
Assign the Shop Manager role when: You want to allow a user to manage orders, issue refunds, and produce reports, without being able to edit ...
For each customer you can decide who is the assigned sales agent. Affiliation link.
How would you reconcile a previous order when a guest user registers? In other words: say I buy from your store and use my email (test@test.
WooCommerce orders are generated when a customer finishes a
Assign Orders Manager role. User with “Orders Manager” role can access WordPress admin dashboard. The only WooCommerce menu item ...