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Woocommerce Combine Orders : Useful Links


Merge Orders. Developed by Vibe Agency. The Merge Orders extension allows you to combine multiple customer orders so you can process and ship them as one ...


Using WooCommerce in combination with this plugin you can combine, merge, consolidate orders.


So far I can't find any way to combine orders either by code order an addon. I want to do this to combine different orders a customer makes into one …


[This thread is closed.] I need to merge customers orders who placed two or more separate order purchases. This way shipping costs are not duplicated.…


Merge multiple WordPress or WooCommerce orders into one would be amazing indeed!!!


Here's a better suggestion which is scalable and doesn't have any unintended consequences. During the checkout process, check to see if the ...


Allow you to set custom order statuses, mark orders with your own markers, merge orders and more features! It provides a Lookup Order Page for ...


I needed to do this as well for some of our order exports. Here's how I did it - $ custom_data = array( // combine first name and last name to 1 field ...

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