[This thread is closed.] I only just noticed this, maybe it is a recent upgrade caused it. At the top of orders I see filters for All, Mine, Trash,…
I found a solution: add to this in theme funtion.php file. function jp_filter_edit_shop_order_views( $views ) { // Unset the Mine option. unset( ...
Starting last week it has a new category called "Mine". It is listing one order. The order was by a "Guest", not a User. The order has a status of "Completed".
Completed Orders are (206) and Mine Orders (2) so in the total orders should shown only ...
Update to WooCommerce 3.5.1; Go to the Orders section of Admin and look at the orders; ❌ all orders are now under the view Mine .
Commissions page displays the commission of each product by order.
Either all the orders are “Mine” or none of them. I remember searching for why previously and came across a bug during a WooCommerce ...
With a recent change to WooCommerce core, the customers are now the author of the orders, so Mine is showing and causing confusion. This filter will remove ...
The orders stopped showing up in my clients woocommerce shop. When you click on on the Orders tab it shows there have been 5 orders but ...
The WooCommerce Order Status Manager allows you to create, edit, and delete completely custom order statuses.