Order Actions – Email order details to customer (handy if manually creating an ...
Hello, I want to send the emails, that i get as an admin only, if a order is canceled or has failed ALSO SEND TO MY CUSTOMER, so he knows that the…
Customizing the content of your emails helps build customer trust by
Pending orders are orders where the customer selected Place Order but abandoned the payment page ...
WooCommerce allows users to send customized order emails and alter the
Try printing the order object in the top of the email, if the object is correct. /** * Executes the e-mail header. * * @hooked ...
Processing order – sent to the customer after payment and contains the order details. Completed order – sent to the customer when the order is ...
You should need check that $order argument is valid instance of the WC_Order Class: add_filter( ...
When installed and activated, it will simply send the same email to the customer just like it WooCommerce sends to the site admin upon failed or cancelled order.
Add recipients based on user role to failed and cancelled WooCommerce emails · php wordpress woocommerce orders email-notifications. I want ...