Click the order number and customer name to see the Single Order page, where ...
Failed payments may seem stressful at first.
We are getting failed orders since updating on Friday, however not all
Setting up a failed order notification in WooCommerce
[This thread is closed.] On my woocommerce shop, I have below huge problem When user fills billing details + card details and clicks PLACE ORDER NOW…
It depends if you want it sync or async. Sync way: header("Refresh:0");. It refreshes your current page. You can specify also the page you want:.
To view and update email settings, log into your website dashboard.
Currently Woocommerce is sending them to the "Pay for order" page, but instead I need them get redirected to the checkout page where ...
It redirects if it is a product but if you are in the shop page it wont redirect, of course if you want to redirect in another page but in single product page the code ...
based on the code you have (I didn't test this) add_action( ' woocommerce_thankyou', 'bbloomer_redirectcustom'); function ...