From your answer here, which I believe is correct. You just need to add the date_query in the fields... something like this: public function ...
WooCommerce: Get Order Info (total, items, etc) From $order Object
How about using custom wpdb query like this? global $wpdb; $date_from = '2015 -11-20'; $date_to = '2015-12-20'; $post_status = implode("','", ...
Failed, pending, and canceled orders which get cleaned up will be moved to the trash.
You can use the WC_Order object, if you have the order ID: $order = new WC_Order($order_id); $order_date = $order->order_date;.
[This thread is closed.] When I use the correct “getter” method, $order-> get_date_created(); I get this: 2018-03-08T02:06:41+00:00 What…
... for orders. Here's an example of how to query completed orders by date:
I am using Woocmmerce REST API to make our Vue dashboard. So as a first feature, i am trying to list today orders. I knew that Woomcommerce has date…
Some times we need to display the reports of our WooCommerce store in custom way. I have searched a lot over the internet and find a SQL ...
Display a delivery date picker or the estimated delivery period in the checkout form.