You can use $order_id as a parameter for your woocommerce_new_order callback and get the order details from the $order_id . Example:
This code is working but it prevents new order email notifications from displaying ordered items. Is this a bug or is it supposed to work like that? This topic was ...
Add a new field to the checkout; Add that new field to the order.
$subject = "New order"; $content = " New order {$order_id} With tax: ...
Action and Filter Hook Reference
New Order – Sent to the store admin to notify them of a new order
in my order list. So when I am adding new items in order, woocommerce just updating my old unpaid order.
WooCommerce contains email templates for New Order, Completed order
New customer order. woocommerce_email_header ($email_heading, $email). You have received an order from ...
woocommerce_new_order. The WordPress Core woocommerce new order hook. Description. add_action( 'woocommerce_new_order', ...