In short, backups save you from headaches, data loss, and — most importantly
I Created a new database and uploaded backup .I understand that order are saved in wp_posts, and post meta . So what i need to do ? , i export ...
Having a backup ready means you can restore your site and get back to work. In short, backups save you from headaches, data loss, and — most
Stock – Reduce and restore stock for an order; Order Actions – Email order details to customer
I Created a new database and uploaded backup .I understand that order are saved in wp_posts, and post meta . So what i need to do ? , i export ...
Since there are many WordPress backup plugins to choose from, you have to
To restore your website, you need both files and databases.
You need to back up your eCommerce store to keep your data safe. We'll look at 5 of the best WooCommerce backup plugins (free and paid).
How can I exclude WooCommerce orders and WP user profiles from backup/restore
Database fIles. It is possible to select both of these options at one time, if needed. In order to save the configuration, specify it's name and press ...