Ok given that nobody came with an aswer I had to dig a little bit myself :D So here is the solution that I found for the moment.
While additional details like the product photo or SKU are not present in
Some orders placed by customers do not show the variation SKU the ...
Want to start displaying SKUs in WooCommerce's order and
As I see , order 9679 has variable product too and not empty sku. ESHRT2BLCK +GRY2S is parent sku ? I can't repeat this bug. The plugin uses $product-> ...
The [products] shortcode allows you to display products by post ID, SKU, categories,
Could you please check your WooCommerce version too see whether you're
This is most likely because unique Product SKUs have not been configured for each product and variation in the Store. To ensure that order line items show up ...
I am actually using the SKU as my primary link, I made the Primary Key in my Inventory table the SKU for Woocommerce. @claudiosanches ...
has been submitted (and Authorizations do not display under Square transactions).