Sku is not related to orders but to order items (Products) and an order can have many items, so you need to use something different.
My second question is if there's a way in WooCommerce to override/change this SKU on order and not actually change the SKU for the product. Plugin Support ...
Ok given that nobody came with an aswer I had to dig a little bit myself :D So here is the solution that I found for the moment.
While additional details like the product photo or SKU are not present in
should be labeled for customers at checkout and on the Order Received page.
The following will not only save the parent SKU but also the variation SKU to the item meta. add_action( 'woocommerce_add_order_item_meta', ' ...
Don't make the mistake of not coming up among the results.
This is most likely because unique Product SKUs have not been configured for each ...
Could you please check your WooCommerce version too see whether you're
Order items are mapped to your products via SKU, or can optionally be ...