select. p.ID as order_id,. p.post_date,. max( CASE WHEN pm.meta_key
I managed to work this out by trial and error. Here's the query that worked in the end: select p.order_id, p.order_item_id, p.order_item_name, ...
We've been trying to run reports using the WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Export plugin but have been running into timeout issues—the ...
Using "completed" order status for paid orders is correct. Here is a custom function with a SQL query, that will output an formatted array of User ...
Behold: Our guide on how to export WooCommerce orders, products and customers to a
Download the extension from your WooCommerce dashboard. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded. Click Install Now ...
Delete all your Woocommerce orders with this script.
Get started with workflows like: Save new WooCommerce orders to rows in SQL Server. Or check out the rest of our guided workflows. Save time with Zapier; ...
I'm trying to obtain all orders for particular day/time and then order products using SQL (MySQL) as seen in the query below: select p.ID as order_id, p.post_date, ...
WooCommerce uses a custom post type “shop_order” to store orders. This means