We'll look at the different user types that WordPress and
The customer can also find the order in: My Account > Orders.
Yes, it is possible to create a WordPress user who can access WooCommerce orders, but nothing else. We'll show you how in this tutorial.
installed, or can be skipped if you use another method to display products.
Is it possible to grant to a user access to view and edit the WooCommerce orders only and do not provide access to any other part of ...
Woocommerce has function woocommerce_account_orders() which includes Orders template. You can follow the below steps to display only ...
access to tabs Settings/Help ? the plugin uses function is_super_admin(). this function checks capability 'delete_users'. thanks, Alex. Thread Starter ...
To view another feature, go to User Manager and view individual profile of the user.
In the WooCommerce orders page, the Login as user button appears besides ...
As we've seen in other articles, get product info from $product object and get cart info from $cart