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After Delivery Care For Mother In India : Useful Links


Diet & Nutrition · Warming Massages & Baths · Baths · Belly Binding · Covering of the head · Restrictions imposed during the confinement period · Care of the ...


Indian postnatal care is based on ancient Ayurverdic methods. Herbal baths, postnatal massage, nourishing herbal-based diet and belly binding ...


1. Moringa Leaves. Moringa leaves are highly recommended to mothers, right after delivery. They are known to contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and ...


CARE India is a registered Section 8 company in India and a member of CARE confederation present in 100 countries, which works with the most ...


Most new mothers don't return to work for at least the first six weeks after birth. This allows time to adapt and develop a new normal. Since a baby ...


What is post-delivery confinement all about? Confinement is about keeping a new mother and her baby at home for a certain number of days or weeks after ...


Background. The days and weeks following childbirth—the postnatal period—are a critical phase in the lives of mothers and newborn babies. Most maternal and ...


Nutrition. Your body has undergone many changes during pregnancy and birth. You need time to recover. In addition to rest, you need to eat a healthy ...


While guidelines and recipes can vary immensely amongst different Indian ...


Alesia made use of many mother and baby program postpartum recommendations: resting at home for six weeks, eating specific foods cooked ...

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