Whether you need to rearrange a delivery or change the delivery address, we can help you do this today. Use our tool to reschedule a delivery that suits you.
If you missed a delivery, simply use the shipment number on the card we left in your mailbox to see when the courier will come by again or plan a second ...
at home when we deliver, we'll always leave a card informing the recipient how ...
I was not home when the driver attempted delivery. Will DHL make another attempt? You may ...
What happens if the recipient is not at home for the first delivery attempt? · DHL then attempts to reach the recipient at the phone number given · If ...
No stress, even when you parcel is already on its way, it's not too late to change its course. Request a signature. Most of the time, you don't have ...
eCommerce Logistics | DHL eCommerce | Global · Redelivery | DHL | Australia. Dhl Delivery Attempted Recipient Not Home : Useful Links. www.dhlparcel.nl.
Follow our packing advice and tips and your shipment recipients will thank you!
If you are not at home, the courier will leave an attempted delivery notice.
Notice' left at the location or through a third-party signature on the first attempt. Customers who are not normally home to accept residential deliveries will find