To show information about object tracking, use the show track command. show track [object-id] [interface | ip route] [brief]. Syntax Description ...
The following is sample output from the show standby command with the brief keyword specified: ... HSRP group shutdown has been configured and a tracked object goes down.
show track [object-id] [interface | ip route] [brief].
R1 #show track. Track 2. IP SLA 11 state. State is Up. 2 changes, last change ...
delay; interface (track); line-protocol track; object; route ipv4; show track; track
The following example shows information about a stub object when the brief keyword is used: Router# show track brief. Track Object Parameter ...
The following example shows how the line- protocol track command is used:
Use the show tcp brief command to display information about the
The following example shows how the line- protocol track command is used:
show track object-number