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Bash Find Files Order By Date : Useful Links


with only POSIX tools, it's rather more complicated; see How to list files sorted by modification date recursively (no stat command available!)


+ Date and time, separated by + , for example `2004-04-28+22:22:05.0'. This is a GNU extension. The time is given in the current timezone (which may be affected  ...


Hello,. Nice commands, those commands we can use in bash scripting according to requirement. Reply.


If you want to print the filenames along with the date in sorted order: find / -type f - name "*" -newermt "$newerthan" ! -newermt "$olderthan" ...


AFAIK, Linux doesn't record the creation time, so the short answer is you cannot. For the modification time, try this: $ find /docs -type f -printf ...


Connect with us: Reddit | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | RSS feeds. Have a Good day!! BASHCommand linefindLinuxlsModification Date And ...


and the output consists of multiple files across multiple sub-folders, what is the default order in which directories are listed? At the same time, what is the sorting  ...


sort sorts the output and uniq -c does the count by date. Example: ~/foobar% find . -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td\n' | sort | uniq -c 3 2004-06-29 ...


Linux Find Files By Date - Learn how to find out files by date (e.g. find file accessed or


find -printf \"%C@ %p\n\"|sort - (Find files and list them sorted by modification time This uses the ability of find (at least the one from GNU ...

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