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Fine All Files Order By Date : Useful Links


Use this: find . -printf "%T@ %Tc %p\n" | sort -n. printf arguments from man find : %Tk : File's last modification time in the format specified by k . @ : seconds since  ...


Use find 's -printf command to output both the time (in a sortable way) and the file, then sort.


Using the date modified feature in Windows File Explorer allows you to find any files that were modified on a specific date or over a range of ...


You are calling file.lastModified() a huge amount of times. Better get all dates first and order later, so that file.lastModified() is only called once ...


ST_MODE]) ) with list as the list of tuples created in the previous list comprehension step to find the creation date and path for each file in that list. Use the for-loop ...


A good format for date designations is YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD. This format makes sure all of your files stay in chronological order, even over the span of many ...


The sync all works fine, but I am unable to sort the logs based on modified date- time. Our production server has 1000s of log files and it is not ...


That is, until I learned how to avoid all that stress and wasted time.

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