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Unix Find File Order By Date : Useful Links


Use this: find . -printf "%T@ %Tc %p\n" | sort -n. printf arguments from man find : %Tk : File's last modification time in the format specified by k . @ : seconds since  ...


2 Answers · %Tk File's last modification time in the format specified by k , which is the same as for %A . where k in this case is set to +; + Date and time, separated ...


Find and Sort Files by Date and Time in Linux. People comfortable with GUI's can find it using File Manager, which lists files in long listing ...


If you want to print the filenames along with the date in sorted order: find / -type f - name "*" -newermt "$newerthan" ! -newermt "$olderthan" ...


Learn how to find out files by date (e.g. find file accessed or modified on April/23/ 2008) on Linux and UNIX command line options.


use xargs to process the (long) list of files and print out the modification unixtime, human readable time, and filename for each file; sort the resulting list in reverse ...


I have been working in UNIX/Linux since 1984/1991 respectively and the first command I


We already know how to organize the similar type of files in specific folders in Unix-like operating systems. In that method, we learned to ...


Hi, I am a newbie to shell programming and I need some help in sorting a list of files in ascending order of date in the filenames. The file format ...

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