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Can People Not In A Marriage File A Restraining Order : Useful Links


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What Are the Requirements to Obtain A Restraining Order


To obtain an order of protection in the Family Court, your relationship to the other person must fall into one of the following categories: Current or former


Civil Harassment Restraining Order: Protects individuals from someone you have not dated and do not have a close relationship with like a neighbor, ...


If the Protective Order will be served outside the City of Phoenix, it may be in your best ... other than someone you live with, a person with whom you have no relationship, ...


child; anyone closely related to you by blood, marriage or adoption (example: mother,


In Maryland, you can obtain an order of protection from either the District Court or ... NOTE: Unlike peace orders, one MAY NOT obtain a protective order on the


You do not participate in the case other than as a witness so you do not need an ... You can file a family offense petition in Family Court to request an Order of Protection.

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