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Bf1 Squad Orders : Useful Links


Issuing orders is mapped to the same button as spotting enemies; so the R1 button on PS4, right bumper on Xbox One, and Q key on PC. Simply ...


It looks completly different in Battlefield 1. When I'm the squad leader and I'm giving an order, even if any of my squadmates is on the base, i'm ...


Giving orders has multiple benefits, but here's the real kicker: giving orders will drop an objective onto the map of your squad. If you complete the ...


sorry for the noob question. But how do you give squad orders as the squad leader? I've been searching the key bindings but can't seem to find ...


Squad leaders in Battlefield 1 can now be issued directly from the Commo Rose, which now has a subsection containing all available objectives. Trivia.


Comments. trip1ex Member, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield V Member BF3BF4BF1.


Just hold down your spot button to open up a menu where you can tell your team which objective to attack. To issue quick commands, aim at the ...


Squad Leaders exercise command by issuing orders and control by calling in Reinforcements.

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