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Ffxiv Squad Orders : Useful Links


Is there an easy way to give orders while playing on ps4? Im kind of having a hard time playing these while trying to give orders. Any help is …


They will use different AI's depending on their job, but players can also use squadron orders to command them to execute various actions.


FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square ...


Getting Squadron Members. You will need to complete entries in your Challenge Log in order for them to show up in the Enlistment Papers.


Your recruit must be at least level 51 in order to use glamours. Squadron members are limited to the base classes (Gladiator, Marauder, ...


Because of the uniqueness of this dungeon, it's much harder to order squads around... until I realized quite recently through many runs on ...

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