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Bf5 Squad Orders : Useful Links


Press the “Danger Ping” button while looking at an objective on the map or select one from the Commo Rose to issue an order to your team This objective will be ...


How do i give squad orders on Xbox? Question. I know it's going to be painfully obvious once ...


All you need to do is hold R1/RB, the same button you would use to tag enemies, but instead hold it. This will bring up a radial menu that you can ...


sorry for the noob question. But how do you give squad orders as the squad leader? I've been searching the key bindings but can't seem to find ...


Maybe I'm just a bad squad leader, but I am not really liking how squad orders work in this game.


Squad Member = Request Order; Squad Leader = Give Order. Choose which point to attack or defend. Orders are always called out in text as ...


An objective is the target of an order. Issuing orders in-game. Commanders and squad leaders can issue the following commands: Attack: Placed on enemy or ...


Use Squad Commands. Some players in squads disregard their teammates and simply use them as spawn points to get into the action more ...

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