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How To Decrease Foot Swelling After Delivery : Useful Links


1. Drink water · 2. Elevate your feet · 3. Do light exercise · 4. Wear compression stockings · 5. Wear loose-fitting clothes · 6. Avoid salt · 7. Eat ...


7 Natural Treatments for Postpartum Swelling · 1. Avoid standing for too long · 2. Wear comfortable shoes · 3. Drink plenty of water to help flush your ...


8 Ways to Treat Postpartum Swelling · Eat healthy foods - Snack on foods rich in protein, complex carbs, fruits and veggies, and foods rich in ...


Foot and leg massage is another way to ease the swelling post-pregnancy if you do not experience ...


Advertisement · Stay off your feet. Avoid standing for long periods. · Sleep on your left side. This takes pressure off the large vein that returns blood from the lower ...


You might want to relieve any discomfort if your legs, ankles, or feet resemble those of the Pillsbury Doughboy. In this case, you can use a pillow ...


9 Natural Remedies For Swollen Feet During Pregnancy · Stick to a healthy diet that includes plenty of protein and salt · Drink nettle and/or dandelion infused tea  ...


Swelling usually subsides a few weeks after giving birth.


What can I do to relieve the swelling? Elevate your feet above the level of your heart whenever you ...

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