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In Order To Get Tubes Tied : Useful Links


I got a tubal at 26 years old and had to fight to get one despite a) living in NYC, b) being married to a man as adamantly child-free as me, ...


Why is it so difficult for young women to get their tubes tied?


When a Twitter user posted that she had to have her husband's consent to have her tubes tied, it sparked a debate about reproductive health in ...


Want to make sure pregnancy is not in your future? Tubal ligation (sometimes called sterilization, female sterilization, or “getting your tubes tied”) is a safe and ...


In order to be eligible to have this permanent birth control method for women performed in the USA you must between 18 and 21 years of age, ...


The procedure to get your “tubes tied” is actually called a “tubal ligation” in medical terms. A tubal ligation is a sterilization procedure where a ...


They make a small opening in your skin, and then blocks or removes a tube called the vas deferens, which keeps sperm from getting into your ...


Tubal ligation reversal is a procedure that can allow natural pregnancy to occur in women who have previously had their tubes tied. Here's what you need to ...


People are being denied tubal ligations because they're too young,


Instead of tying your fallopian tubes up in a neat bow, your doctor will clip, suture, or otherwise close them off in order to prevent sperm from ...

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