$order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); $order->update_status('on-hold ', ...
Not recommended because the ID may not be an order of your custom type. the method loads the object with the correct class.
I tried extending the Base API class in functions.php of child-theme to override the
Order must exist. add_payment_token() : bool|int: Add a payment token to an order
Is there any way to create the “child” plugin correctly so that the “main” plugin is running and my custom plugin just adds some additional ...
With WooCommerce, that includes products, orders, customers, coupons, and other data
Because we'll be extending a class in WooCommerce core, we'll need to be sure ... Add Payment Gateway Info to Order Received and Emails.
WC_Email_New_Order extends WC_Email. in package. WooCommerce · Classes · Emails
I'm trying to extend the woocommerce class used to create the product categories widget in my own plugin which adds a new taxonomy for woo ...