You can use the WC_Order object, if you have the order ID: $order = new WC_Order($order_id); $order_date = $order->order_date;.
[This thread is closed.] When I use the correct “getter” method, $order-> get_date_created(); I get this: 2018-03-08T02:06:41+00:00 What…
As a WooCommerce development freelancer, every day I repeat many coding operations that make me was...
will change the WooCommerce shipping method, If you have WooCommerce ...
In most Email templates or email hooks, the WC_Order object $order is accessible, so you can use one of the following WC_Order methods:.
Leave blank to disable display of the availability date in the cart. Charged Upon Release Order Total Format – This controls the order total format when the cart ...
With Order Delivery your customers will get clear notifications about the
In WooCommerce, all orders have a created date, which is the moment that the order is made and stored in your system. Now, even if that order ...
Filter orders by Date (month/year) or by registered customer.
Unfortunately this is not possible because the Woocommerce declares order information has private. So you are not able to search for an order by ...