function has_bought() { // Get all customer orders $customer_orders = get_posts( array( 'numberposts' => 1, // one order is enough 'meta_key' ...
For example, you may want to find out if they've ever purchased a
Order statuses let you know how far along the order is, starting with “Pending ...
function has_bought_items() { $bought = false; // Set HERE ine the array your specific target product IDs $prod_arr = array( '21', '67' ); // Get all customer orders ...
Is there an effective way to check if the customer (that is about to place an order) is new or not? Keep in mind that NOT all customers will create an ...
From the __get() method in the WC_Order class you can see that the user_id property is taken from/stored as _customer_user post meta for the ...
A capability is a specific action that a user is permitted to complete.
When the extension is activated, it adds the tab "WooCommerce" to the page [ Ultimate
We know your time is valuable, and few things are more tedious than watching a load screen when you're exporting thousands of orders. Our plugin exports ...
Today, we'll see how to deny purchasing to a given billing email address, if this is a user and happens to have a pending order already!