More about the different emails that are automatically sent at Email Settings.
Order Completed – Sent to customers when their orders are marked completed; indicates that the order has been shipped. Order Refunded – ...
Dispatch when a new order is created – (Optional) allows emails to be sent ...
Emails are sent when order statuses are set to processing or to completed. Let's say the connection between your payment gateway API and your site doesn't work ...
This is also a good time to change the order status to Complete. Marking the order as Complete will send the Completed Order email to the customer, including ...
What kinds of emails does WooCommerce send?
If you want to send the email only when the order is paid choose the Order Completed ...
We figured out how to do this. You have to use remove_action() on woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification in the woocommerce_email action.
Here is a guide on how you can customize your WooCommerce order
We need to prevent the New Order emails from being sent until the order status changes to complete. Any solid solutions for this? Share. Share a link to this ...