Orders are a Custom Post Type (CPT), so they are stored in the wp_posts table. If you search the post_type field for 'shop_order', SQL will ...
Click the order number and customer name to see the Single Order page, where you ...
In addition, from the WooCommerce GitHub Wiki Database Description
When activating WooCommerce, a few new SQL tables are added in your database. You can find the list of all tables here. But this process can fail sometimes if ...
We'll go through the main WooCommerce database tables that are used in
Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » completed order items missing in
Find out how to backup WooCommerce database, and what is the best
A client of mine has a rather large WooCommerce database.
I just installed the new beta Woocommerce Admin plugin, and was really excited to see the new
In other words, loading times could be slow due to database issues.