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Hound Tracking Dogs : Useful Links


Like their cousin the Basset, they are built to be the perfect tracking dog, with a large, long head; a nose with large, open nostrils; long ears that sweep the scent  ...


Tracking refers to a dogs ability to detect, recognize and follow a specific scent. Possessing heightened olfactory abilities, dogs are able to detect, track and ...


The Leashed Tracking Dog License authorizes qualified individuals to use certified leashed tracking dogs to track and find dead, wounded or injured big game.


This is a part beagle part-walker hound. You do not need a pure bred dog to track with. Many a great tracking dogs have come from unknown or mixed breeds. If ...


Build a better dog with devices for tracking and training. From obedience to hunting and limiting nuisance barking, get exactly what you need to make life with ...


call Darre n. Do ran fo r availab ility in co u n tie. s w ith o u. t a tracke r liste d . 2020-2021 NJ Certified Deer Tracking Dog Permittees. Atlantic Bergen Burlington ...


We often get asked about tracking dog services for missing dogs. Some of these services are good, some are not so good and some are out ...


Dogs cannot be used to locate big game unless an animal has been shot. It's important to remember that the new leashed tracking dog language ...


Even though the Bloodhound tops our list as the best tracking dog, the confident, loyal German Shepherd comes in as a close second on our list ...


Sometimes a tracking dog is not needed; sometimes it could be harmful or scare your pet.

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