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Bloodhound Tracking : Useful Links


The Bloodhound is a large scent hound, originally bred for hunting deer, wild boar and, since the Middle Ages, for tracking people. Believed to be descended ...


A bloodhound's outward appearance also adds to its tracking ability. Loose, wrinkled skin around the face helps trap scent particles and long, ...


Tracking is a test of the dog's ability to follow human scent and identify articles along the way. A track (depending on the test level) can be from 1 hour old for a TD ...


Bloodhounds are naturally good at tracking animals, humans, and many other things, but even these amazing dogs have to be trained to do what ...


The nose isn't the only part of bloodhounds well-suited for tracking.


The Bloodhound XTN tracking system requires 2 parts to operate: The handheld Tracker; 1 or more XTN Tracking Nocks (up to 6 unique XTNs). The XTN Tracking  ...


Unlike obedience and agility trials, where dogs respond to the owner's commands, in tracking a dog is completely in charge, for only he knows ...


Steps to Train Your Dog to Track. Tracking Dog Training Photo courtesy of Michael F. via Flikr. OK, enough history for now. If you ...

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